Sunday' message (February 24, 2013)
Why do you need to Believe? (continued)
The message on belief is geared towards belief in Jesus
Christ. Our Gospel message as preachers and teachers is to always make Him (Jesus Christ) known in the
earth! So it is very important
that we preach the Gospel! It is
the Power of God unto Salvation to him that Believeth. The righteousness of God is revealed
from faith to faith!
Jesus speaks to us in Matthew 5:17 – Think not that I am
come to destroy the law or the prophets, but I have come to fulfill the law!
Verily I say unto you till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall
in no wise pass from the law until all be fulfilled!
We need to Understand that the entire bible is a portrait of
Jesus Christ. We have available to
us instantaneously the wisdom of the ages, with books, CD’s, iPods, iPads, the
world wide web, etc. Many of us
have the ability to read, hear or
view the opinion of anyone who
thinks they are of the intellect!
Intellect is a wonderful thing. You can understand biology, but if you
don’t know the “Giver of Life’, you are still uneducated. You can comprehend Geology, but if you
don’t know the Rock of Ages, you don’t really know anything of importance! You can know all about Botany which is
the study of the flowers and the trees, but if you haven’t met the “Lilly of
the valley’ your knowledge is useless.
You can know all the facts
of history, but if your reject the
“Center Figure of History,” your time has been wasted! A wise man that doesn’t
know God is ignorant! A strong man
who doesn’t know God is weak, and a rich man that doesn’t know God is
Only the Lord can fulfill all of our needs and answer all of
our questions! The bible says that
Jesus came to fulfill all things and any question that you present to him! Many situations arise in our life that
the Works of God may be worked in our lives! The word of God through Jesus Christ brings the promises of
God into fulfillment! You need to
understand that your answer is already here and lives on the inside of you, but
all you need is faith in God! You must believe!
The historical figure of
Christ is the secret to understanding the bible! Everywhere you look in scripture you can see the writer of
each book pointing towards Christ!
In Luke 24:27, And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, He expounded to them in all
the Scriptures the things concerning Himself. If people are going to come out of their dilemma then the
message of the Gospel must point to Jesus Christ! For He is the deliverer! Just Believe!!!Now concerning the text, (Mark 5:35) Why do you need to believe? Because God is here and has come to fulfill the destiny in your life. The bible said, while Jesus was still speaking some came from the ruler of the Synagogue’s house. Without even seeing his daughter being delivered yet, the spirit of God was waiting and even though his daughter was dead the word was on its way to accomplish what God sent it to do! Now the word (Jesus Christ) speaks words of Faith to the man, “Do not be afraid, Only Believe!” Once he spoke the word, the man remembered what Jesus said and he believed and his daughter was healed!
Remember this, things are not as bad as they seem, only Believe!! What you believe will control your actions! Be it unto you, according to your “Faith!!”
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