Thursday, February 7, 2013

MidWeek Service 2/5/13

Tonight's message at Bible Study was "Why do I need to believe!" I shared Faith Principles and Related Scriptures that caused the church to Increase in their Faith in God! If you are a Christian and you are looking for signs and wonders just look within yourself!! The Holy Ghost that resides in you will cause you to Live right, Love right and Forgive others is Power in itself!

Dr Moses Pitt

Twitter | @mosespitt


  1. These messages have truly been a blessing to me. I was placed in a situation where I had no other choice but to believe God or not believe. I had encountered becoming unemployed about two years ago. I would say I have faith in God but when I lost my job and I had no money coming in and I had no other choice but to trust God. I stood up in church a few weeks later and I told my testimony about do you really believe. I told about my situation and how my faith was really tried. I had no other choice but to believe. I really appreciated how the Lord is using you to educate his people. Love you to life!!!

    1. Keep The Faith Sis. White! God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, and above all you can ask or think according to your belief!
      God Bless!
      Dr. Pitt
