Monday, January 28, 2013

Understanding Spiritual Authority (Leadership Class excerpt)

What you believe will control your actions
 A principle of belief: you have to have faith in what you are believing.  Without hope, faith has nothing to work with.  It first starts in our mind.  If our minds are not clear, the devil will continue to get in your mind and your emotions.  We have to understand that Satan’s aim is to come and destroy us (steal, kill, and destroy).  He will use certain strategies and forms to deceive us.  It is an attempt to distract: an intrusion of the mind. Satan wants to change your mind about the word of God!

Study scriptures:
James 1:16
(Satan’s chief focus is to deceive us.)

Isaiah 5:13
(What God is saying is that they have become captive because they have shown no knowledge of the correct way to behave.  This is why we have to continue to pray and do the word. There has to be a corresponding action (faith without works is dead!).  Guard yourself from the attacks of Satan by remaining in your word and meditating (Philippians 4). )

Understand the spiritual authority of the word.  The potter of our lives shapes us and continues to make another vessel; I am so glad that we are never OUT of his hands. As preachers and pastors we need to understand that we cannot go into the word of God looking for a sermon to preach. We have to use the word as our daily bread; therefore we will be able to minister with conviction.

Once you become a Christian, there should be a change in you.  In order to be transformed, there has to be a renewing of our mind.  By keeping our minds clear, open, and ready to receive from Christ, there is nothing against us that will be able to prosper.

(Excerpt from GSPCM Leadership Class, Jan. 27, 2013)

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twitter: @mosespitt

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Abiding In God's Love

 It is so easy to speak about Love, but when we have to display this Love we speak of, it seems rather difficult for many!   As it relates in the word of God, in I John 4:8 ~ He who does not love does not know God, for God is love.  It even goes further to let us know in verse 9, In this the Love of God was manifested toward us, that God has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might Live through Him!   As Christians, we are to live through in by Jesus Christ, so the love of God can be manifested in the earth.  But, could it be that we really don’t know God the way we say we know him? The character of God is to be displayed by Christians, who repeat His word, Live His Word, and Love according to His word!

-Dr. Moses Pitt

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

A Fresh Start

The beginning of a new year can be very exciting.  For many reasons it represents a fresh start, a chance to heal, or an opportunity  to make things right.  Others may look forward to 2013 and wonder what adventures and possibilities it will bring.  I personally enjoy thinking about what God will teach me in the weeks and months to come and how I will grow closer to Him.

Of course, none of us know what the future will actually hold.  But there is one thing you and I can recognize as certain; we will be making decisions in the days ahead.  We are continually presented with choices in our families, jobs, finances, and even in our relationships with the Father.  The question we must ask ourselves if we want to make 2013 the very best year possible is:  Where does the Lord fit in the decisions we make?

-Dr. Moses Pitt

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 Twitter: @mosespitt

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Nothing Is Impossible to Them that Believe!

 Many Christians are feeling the pressure of financial challenges.   Mounting financial lack on top of other problems can be overwhelming.  Despite what we may be experiencing, we must continue to believe God’s Word.  We cannot adopt a worldly mind-set, placing the world’s way of doing things above God and His Word.  He has the power to deliver us.  No matter how impossible the task, we must simply believe...